Casual Vacancy Notice - Biddenham...
Parish Council
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Policy Background In 2022, the parish council received £121k of CIL money in relation to the new Dandara development at Gold Lane, known as Saxon Park, and...
More trees for Biddenham! 2022
The parish council is working with the borough council and Trees for Streets again to plant 25 more trees in Biddenham; in 2021 the parish council sponsored 40. The 2022 tree locations are...
Trees For Streets – 40 new trees for Biddenham
The parish council is working with the borough council and Trees for Streets to add 40 new trees in Biddenham. These will be 3-4 metre trees of various species. The current proposal for locations...
Parish Council meetings are all being held in the Pavilion – upstairs meeting room
There is no longer provision in law for the parish council to have online meetings. Meetings are held every third Tuesday of the month in the upstairs meeting room in the Pavilion. You can find...